Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Skema Rangkaian Delay Speaker & Speaker Protector

Circuit-delay relay circuit speakers is useful as a delaying / delay on the speaker that functions as a deterrent to prevent pounding of the very first amplifier is turned on. This aims to avoid memperawet speakers easily damaged.

This series also has advantages, namely: the case of speakers konsleting relationship with amplifier circuit(rangkaian)will be disconnected immediately, so that the speaker is safe from kebakaran.waktu waiting or delay time is approximately 5 seconds, and can be altered by changing the condenser C2 with elco smaller value . The time needed to re-open relay if the current cut off about 0.5 seconds. (skema rangkaian)

R1=22Kohm C4-5=100uF 25V IC1=TL071
R2-3=390Kohm Q1=BC560C RL1=Relay 12VDc Omron G2R2
R4=470Kohm Q2-3-4=BC550C J1=3pin connector with 2.54mm step
R5=1Mohm Q5=BD139 J2=2pin connector with 2.54mm step
R6-7-8-9-10-12=10Kohm D1-2-3=1N4148 J3=2pin connector with 3.96mm step
R11=820 ohm D4=Green 5mm Led

Skema Rangkaian Delay Speaker & Speaker Protector

Skema Rangkaian Delay Speaker & Speaker Protector

Skema Rangkaian Delay Speaker & Speaker Protector Gambar Skema Rangkaian Delay Speaker & Speaker Protector